연구 Highlight

[초청강연]“Switchable Chemical-Bond Reorganization for the Stable Charge Trapping in Amorphous Silicon Nitride”

  • 저자명

    최운이 박사 (Wooni Choi, Ph.D.) (Samsung Electronics)

  • 학회명

    제3회 Superelectrode 학술 워크샵

  • 게재권/집


  • 페이지

  • 발표일


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Despite the widespread use of charge-trap flash (CTF) memory, the atomistic mechanism behind the exceptionally stable charge storage at the localized trap sites is still controversial. Herein, by combining first-principles calculations and orbital interaction analysis, a charge-dependent switchable chemical-bond reorganization is elucidated as the underpinning chemistry in the working mechanism of CTF. Especially, positively charged fourfold-coordinated nitrogen (dubbed N+ center), unappreciated until now, is the decisive component of the entire process; once an electron occupies this site, the N+ center disappears by breaking one NSi bond, simultaneously forming a new SiSi bond with a nearby Si atom which, in turn, creates fivefold coordinated Si. As a result, the electron is stored in a multi-center orbital belonging to multiple atoms including the newly formed SiSi bond. It is also observed that hole trapping accompanies the creation of an N+ center by forming a new NSi bond, which represents the reverse process. To further support and validate this model by means of core-level calculations, it is also shown that an N+ center's 1s core level is 1.0–2.5 eV deeper in energy than those of the threefold coordinated N atoms, in harmony with experimental X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy data.