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[구두발표]Effect of fluidity and polarity of hydrocarbon matrix on their reaction with azidoformate compound

  • 저자명

    김수연, 이동현, 홍성철

  • 학회명

    61th KSIEC Meeting

  • 게재권/집

  • 페이지

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Azidoformate group was known to thermally activate C-H bonds of hydrocarbon compounds, which may afford reaction pathway to modify the hydrocarbon compounds. In this study, effect of fluidity of different hydrocarbon compounds, including liquid hydrocarbon (paraffin oil and liquid EPDM) and polymeric matrices (EPDM, PS, and TPU), on their reaction with azidoformate compound was investigated.
Effect of miscibility between the hydrocarbon and azidoformate-containing compounds were also investigated, affording better understanding on the relationship between their solubility parameters and reaction characteristics. 4-Methoxybenzyl azidoformate was employed as a model azidoformate compound and its reaction with the hydrocarbon compounds were attempted at 150°C for 15 minutes.
Keywords: Azidoformate, thermal reaction, C-H activation, miscibility, fluidity