연구 Highlight

[구두발표]Improved Electrical and Thermal Properties of Doped MWCNTs Synthesized by Direct Current Arc Discharge Technique

  • 저자명

    Syed Muhammad Zain Mehdi, Naesung Lee

  • 학회명

    Nano Convergence Conference 2021

  • 게재권/집

  • 페이지

  • 발표일


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•Arc-CNTs are promising for field emitter materials thanks to their excellent crystallinity and straightness, compared to CVD-CNTs. 
•Boron (B) has been known as oxidation inhibitors of carbon materials. During field emission, CNT emitters undergo severe degradation due to Joule heating. It is expected that B doping would improve the thermal stability of CNT emitters.
•This study investigates fabrication of B-doped MWCNTs using electric arc discharge, where B dopants were introduced from anode electrodes, and their field emission performances.
•We further expect that B doping may gives rise to change of CNT geometry of arc-CNTs such as diameters, which will also affect field emission properties.